Thursday, December 30, 2010
City of Roanoke Green Academy
Sessions begin Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011, at Fishburn Park Elementary School and continue on Thursday evenings – Jan. 20, Jan. 27, and Feb. 3 – for a total of four weeks. Classes will start at 5:30 p.m. with a light dinner; each program will run from 6 to 8 p.m. A graduation event will be held Feb. 11. (Location TBD.)
An online application is available here: Or you may download the informational brochure and application form and return it by mail.
For more information, please contact Director of General Services and Sustainability Ken Cronin at (540) 853-1805.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Greening the Holidays
When it comes to the holidays, who couldn't use a little help keeping costs down while learning to tread lightly on the Earth?
here are what some folks have suggested:
~Use LED lights and use less strands of lights to help with the electric bill.
~if someone on your gift lift doesn't need anything, give to a charity of her/his choice in her/his name.
Below are the links where you will find these ideas and more to help you enjoy the holiday season:
Sunday, October 17, 2010
October 2010 Meeting
I hope you are doing well. :-)
Our next meeting is this Tuesday, October 19th, 7 PM- 8 PM.
We will be meeting at Cups Coffee & Tea on Grandin Rd. @ Westover in the Rockfish Grill building.
The address is 1402 Grandin Rd.
Roanoke, VA 24015
Our topic will be greening the holidays: Tips, tricks, and ways to green the holidays, 'do' instead of 'buy', all to keep costs down and, of course, go easy on Mother Earth.
Below are some links to websites you might find useful.
See you then!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
September Meeting 2010
Jeremy Holmes, Director of Ride Solutions will be on hand to discuss Car Sharing in the Big Lick area in the not too distant future.
~~~Jeremy will not be able to attend tonight.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sailing Into the Future
Several times this week I've been pryvy to the affects the current economy is having on people.
Some folks are looking down-trodden, frustrated, bits of anger flaring; Others are flourishing,
happy, eager to help others.
New stores have opened in the area while some big companies are announcing that
they'll be closing some of their brick and mortar locations.
The pendulum is swinging back the other way in the real estate market,
however, those in the know are saying a couple of more years til we
get back to normal.
I don't know about you, but I don't have the patience to wait and certainly not for a couple of years.
This summer I have taken matters into my own hands, have set sail, and am eager to share with
you where I'm headed and how I'm getting there.
Until next time, as my friend Nikki says, Live, love, laugh, share, and pay it forward!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Facebook Link
Friday, August 13, 2010
August Meeting
Have you enjoyed all the hot, humid, sunny weather?
We will be meeting at the Mill Mountain Coffee & Tea ~ Salem
on Tuesday, August 17th, 2010 at 7 PM.
Come enjoy a cold beverage while conversing with other local Greenies.
Feel free to bring a friend!
We're super casual!
This month let's talk about whether or not we are driving less than we used to. Why or why not? Is Car Sharing a viable option in the Roanoke area?
Monday, July 19, 2010
No Meeting in July
We will meet again in August.
Again, no meeting tomorrow. Enjoy your summer!