It's funny how life works sometimes.
I've been away from the 'green scene' for about a week, and the Universe has redirected me back to it now that I have time to focus once again.
Several people are asking about greening their business. What can they do? What tips/tricks/advice do I have?
These questions came at a great time and I think this is a great discussion for this month's meeting.
Let's start by looking at our office environment. Do you recycle? What do you recycle?
Who participates in the recycling? Do the products in your office have low-toxicity?
Are there any little green lights on when you leave your office at the end of the day/night?
Where did your furniture come from? Is it low-carbon furniture?
Do you have a green library? What sort of items does it contain?
How green are your print materials?
Do you use the web for your advertising?
Do you know the life-cycle of the products and materials you use?
What kinds of green gifts do you give?